
Ball retained. Full-arch. Mandible or Maxilla. Removable solution.

Implant Supported Dentures


Each implant that is embedded in jawbone holds a metal stud attachment that fits into another attachment on the overdenture. In most cases, the attachments on the implants are ball-shaped that fit into sockets on the overdenture but may be reversed in certain cases.

Ball retained

Implant-supported overdentures or implant dentures are a type of full overdenture that is supported by or attached to dental implants. A regular denture that rests on the gums that tends to fit less firmly. An implant-supported denture has special attachments that snap onto attachments on the implants providing better retention to the overdentures.

An implant supported denture may be done in either the upper or lower jaw.

Clinical case

Bar-retained dentures. Full-arch. Mandible or Maxilla. Removable solution.

Implant Supported Dentures


There are two types of implant-supported dentures: bar-retained and ball-retained. In both cases, the denture will be made of an acrylic base that will look like gums. Acrylic teeth that look like natural teeth are attached to the base. Both types of dentures need at least two implants for support.

Bar-retained dentures

A thin metal bar that follows the curve of your jaw is attached to two to five implants that have been placed in your jawbone. Clips or other types of attachments are fitted to the bar, the denture or both. The denture fits over the bar and is securely clipped into place by the attachments

Clinical case:

Trefoil. Full-arch. Mandible. Fixed solution


Definitive teeth in a day

The Trefoil system is a breakthrough in efficiency for treating the mandible. First pre-manufactured bar with a passive fit

Using a pre-manufactured bar with a unique fixation mechanism, it can adjust to compensate for inherent deviations from the ideal implant position. This is a new fixed solution for definitive teeth in one day.

Surgical quick guid

Implant insertion with the Positioning Template and the Template for Implan

Dental Implants Help Prevent Jaw Shrinkage and Collapse

Treatment success

Nobel Biocare has led innovation in full-arch solutions for over 50 years.

Treatment successIn an ongoing five-year, multi-center study across four continents, results are already being reported for implant and prosthetic survival rates.5This important study 7 has now expanded to include 110 patients at the request of participating clinicians to meet the needs of their patients.

Shorter time-to-teeth:

the Trefoil system enables a fixed and definitive prosthe-sis to be placed up to six months earlier than conventional treatments with provi-sional prosthetics.

Clinical case: Mandibular full-arch restoration using the Trefoil system

All-on-4-dental implants. Full-arch. Mandible/Maxilla. Fixed solution.

Definitive teeth in a day

All-on-4®-dental implants: best in class

The All-on-4® treatment concept is a cost-efficient, graftless solution that provides patients with a fixed full-arch prosthesis on the day of surgery.

Characteristics include:

- Full-arch rehabilitation with only four implants
- Two straight anterior implants and two implants tilted
  up to 45º in the posterior
- Immediate Function (fixed provisional bridge)
- Graftless procedure
- Bone grafting is avoided by tilting the posterior implants,
  utilizing available bone

A minimally invasive solution with a fixed full-arch restoration for high patient satisfaction

Restoring more than a smile

The All-on-4® treatment concept provides edentulous and soon-to-be edentulous patients with a fixed full-arch prosthesis on four implants on the day of surgery. This quickly leads to improved patient satisfaction with regards to:

  • Function
  • Esthetics
  • Sense
  • Speech
  • Self-esteem

  • Why 98% of patients would recommend the All-on-4® treatment concept

    read more at Nobel Biocare website

    Rapid improvement in quality of life

    A fixed full-arch prosthesis on the day of surgery quickly leads to improved patient satisfaction – with regards to function,esthetics, sense, speech and self-esteem.

    Shorter treatment times

    Tilting of the posterior implants avoids the need for time-consuming bone grafting procedures, while immediate loadingshortens time-to-teeth.

    Lower costs

    The concept is the least costly in comparison with conventional implant treatment modalities of the edentulous and soon-to-be edentulous jaw

    Clinical case:

    Full-arch. Mandible or Maxilla. Fixed solution.

    Full Arch Dental Implant Teeth

    For dental implants teeth with dental bridges, the dental implant posts acts as new tooth roots with a fixed dental bridges over the teeth implants. With this dental implant teeth option, it is simliar to having a new set of teeth on implant posts.

    An implant supported denture may be done in either the upper or lower jaw.

    Clinical case: